Supporting the Asian & Pacific Islander community
A version of the following message was shared from Brian Lamb, Head of Global Diversity & Inclusion, with all JPMC employees globally in response to attacks against the Asian and Pacific Islander (API) community.
The terrible events and attacks against the Asian and Pacific Islander (API) community cannot — and will not — be tolerated. As Jamie mentioned last week, “Enough is enough” – and as a firm, we condemn racism in any form, standing united to defend equity, diversity and inclusion for all communities.
Together, we can drive change — and in partnership with the firmwide Asian Executive Forum and AsPIRE Business Resource Group — we are being intentional to help the community in the most impactful ways. From conversations with leaders to events that will engage colleagues globally, these two groups are informing and influencing how we can address this issue. And now, the firm will work with organizations in the UK and the US to continue that support.
Our firm is committing $1 million to raise awareness of the urgent need to support the API community with contributions to the Chinese for Affirmative Action’s Stop AAPI Hate initiative, Asian American Federation, and Asian Americans Advancing Justice. The funds will help these organizations as they offer resources for impacted community members. This includes helping form rapid response and tracking measures for anti-Asian hate incidents, preventive measures such as awareness campaigns, and additional support to engage with civic and community leaders on policy and advocacy matters. Employees have an opportunity to support this issue globally with a donation to Protection Approaches, a UK-based charity working to end all forms of identity-based violence worldwide.
In addition, for every dollar an employee donates to these organizations, our company will donate two dollars.
We will always stand united to defend inclusion for all communities. And after a challenging year, it’s more important than ever to come together in the face of injustice.